Agoraphobia And Memory Loss

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Agoraphobia And Memory Loss

It's not unknown to have agoraphobia and memory loss at the same time, however, anxiety disorders generally don't cause memory loss.

It may be possible to experience some memory loss or even forgetfulness with depression or generalized anxiety. In general though, any loss of memory may be due to side effects of drugs and/or age.

Memory loss would be more associated with other conditions. Also, if you're older, then being a little forgetful is understandable. If you're older and have agoraphobia, it's unlikely that agoraphobia is the cause.


Some antidepressants like Paxil and Celexa may have caused mild memory loss in patients. Celexa and memory loss have been linked together, but there's no strong evidence.

If you're worried about your agoraphobia and memory loss, speak with your doctor. If it is indeed the medication, you can always try something else.

The long-term use of benzodiazepines and withdrawal from it have been known to impair memory. Again, it's not the actual condition of agoraphobia that causes this.

Examples of benzodiazepines include alprazolam (Xanax), clonazepam (Rivotril), diazepam (Valium) and lorazepam (Ativan).


Examples of mild memory loss would be things like looking for glasses or taking a longer time to learn something. There are ways to sharpen and improve memory skills.

Serious memory problems would include being unsafe (where damage to yourself or property could happen), getting lost in familiar surroundings, repeating questions and getting confused with normal, everyday things.

If memory loss is a concern (and it should be), there are herbal products that you may consider taking, but speak to your doctor first, as you do not want a bad interaction with drugs.

Some herbal remedies claim to aid memory function as well as protect against nerve damage in general. MemoRise is one such product.

You may also want to try hypnosis to enhance your memory. Hypnosis is widely used for many reasons, including agoraphobia and memory loss.

Again, you have many methods at your disposal to improve your memory. Speak to your doctor and explore the possibilities to improve your memory loss.

Try not to worry, since generally, memory loss should be temporary, if it's caused by a drug's side effect. You will have time to act quickly so that you can prevent it from getting worse.


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