Anxiety Attack Cure Natural

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Anxiety Attack Cure Natural

Currently, 2.4 million Americans have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Every minute, 8 Americans experience an anxiety attack. Thats 480 anxiety attacks per minute! Anxiety attacks and panic attacks (they are the same thing) are the most common emotional disorders in the United States, and are more common than even Bipolar Disorder, ADHD and alcohol abuse.

Opinions vary on whether or not anxiety disorders can be cured. Most doctors will tell you there is no cure for anxiety disorder, but that it can be managed with prescription drugs. Other doctors and therapists will tell you that although there is no pharmaceutical cure for anxiety disorder, it can be managed or even cured by natural means.

Herbal remedies, such as kava kava, valerian and passionflower extracts have been clinically proven to reduce the frequency and intensity of anxiety attacks, but they may have undesirable side effects. Kava is linked to liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis, and some patients needed liver transplants because of using the herb. Valerian acts similarly to Valium, and used in high dosages for an extended time period, can be addictive. Herbal remedies may be used to treat anxiety attacks, but no herb has been known to cure them.

There are several natural therapies used for treating anxiety disorders and attacks. Some doctors and therapist say they may cure some people, but at the very least can effectively treat anxiety disorders and symptoms of anxiety attacks.

Hypnosis has successfully treated anxiety attacks, and there are patient reports saying that they have been cured and now are free of anxiety attacks. There are no clinical studies proving that hypnosis can cure anxiety disorders or attacks, but it is an approved treatment for management of both.

Energy Psychology, also called tapping, is a method of treatment that involves putting pressure on, or tapping acupuncture pressure points in a certain order, and is used to treat a variety of ailments including anxiety disorder attacks. The medical community is widely skeptical of the efficacy of tapping, but those who support it do so enthusiastically.

Desensitization has been successfully used to cure people of phobias by graduated lengths of exposure to what is feared. Because anxiety is rooted in fear, desensitization has worked for some people, but the relapse rate is high because one may develop new anxieties or old ones come back. If it is a cure, it is only a temporary one at best.

The most widely used, respected and effective natural treatment for anxiety is Cognitive Behavior Therapy. CBT changes the way a person perceives anxiety triggers and how they react to them. It doesnt work for everyone, but of those it has helped, many have been free of anxiety attacks for years. There is a chance of relapse, but those numbers are relatively low.

There is no sure-fire cure for anxiety attacks. They can be treated and managed by various means, and certain methods have longer lasting positive results. An understanding of anxiety disorders and attacks and knowing how to manage the symptoms, although its not a cure, will help you be able to control your anxiety attacks.

Did you know that every 8 seconds someone in the US has a panic attack? True! And sometimes Im one of them! How about you?

Ive had panic attacks that have lasted 30+ minutes, and was absolutely certain I was having a heart attack! I couldnt breathe, I had chest and neck pains, my left arm hurt, yet at the same time was numb; how weird is that?. Although I still feel the symptoms of panic attack coming on, from time to time, Ive learned how to take control of my thoughts and reactions, and have changed my lifestyle to drastically decrease the chances of panic attack. Click Here To find out Step-By-Step how I took control of my Anxiety and Finally Ended My Panic Attacks.


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